Saturday, June 5, 2010


One more New Year's Resolution taken care of: 

I ran a 5K today!

It was organized through Weight Watchers as part of their 2010 Walk-It Challenge. Having not trained at all for the run, I was hoping to finish in under 45 minutes. Here's the thing, though--I didn't see the sign to turn around and head back to the finish line, so I just kept running.

 And running.

Until I noticed that I was alone on the trail with a few picnic-goers. I finally turned around and made it back AND finished in about 42 minutes. 

So, not bad for the long detour I took. 

Picture from last year's 5k at the Provo Freedom Festival with my Mom.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Update on My New Year's Resolutions:

1. I am slacking in the make-new-meals-once-a-month category. I think I have done it for three out of four months. I'll catch up.

2. I am scheduled to participate in a free 5K with the Provo Center of Weight Watchers on June 5, 2010.

3. I am on track for reading 24 books a year. I am almost finished with my 9th book. I hope I can step up the pace now that spring/summer terms are here. I don't want to overwhelm myself with extra reading once graduate school starts in the fall. Right now, I am reading Anne Frank's diary.

4. I was accepted to graduate school! I was offered interviews at all four schools: Millersville University, Penn State University, University of Pennsylvania, and George Washington University. I was accepted to MU and PSU, and I turned down the interviews for Penn and GWU because I already decided to go to Millersville! Classes start August 30.

5. Temple attendance: 2/4 months, I think. Step it up, woman!

6. Re-capturing WW goal weight? I am still about 8 pounds away, but I am working hard. I am currently doing a Biggest-Loser-style challenge with the other employees at WW.

7. I went skiing with Scott, Kristin, and Jeffy on January 30, 2010 at Brighton Ski Resort. It was a lot of fun, though I'm not very good at stopping.

8. Scott and I are planning to visit Independence, MO and Nauvoo, IL when we drive to PA in August.

9. I received an A in my Abnormal Psychology class! Success!

10. Scott's biggest cheerleader: I think I am doing pretty well, considering that I am currently his scribe for his homework problems (he can't write with his right hand due to recent hand surgery), and I have no clue what I am writing.

11. Moab Camping Trip is in the works. Possible date of June 18, 2010.

12. So far, I have done 100% of my Visiting Teaching.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Mango Peach Salsa, Revisited

I have mentioned my love for Mango Peach salsa before. Remember? Well, I took a break from it for awhile, mostly because it was $5 and I thought I could only get it at Costco.

On Saturday I went to Smith's grocery store, and who was sitting there on the shelf, yearning to go home with me? Mr. Mango Peach Salsa.

I gave him a lift home.

I then ate Mr. Salsa, in his entirety, in one sitting (luckily, he was not as big as the Costco salsa).

On Monday, I went back. I enticed yet another Mr. M. P. Salsa into my cart. Oh, yum.

Today I found that Yankee Candle makes this:

Do you think I could just smell it and get the same satisfaction?


Well, I can't burn candles in our apartment anyway.


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

My Resolutions

My New Year's Resolutions:

1. Learn how to cook a new meal every month. I did this last year, and it was a huge success. I like to cook, but I run out of ideas fast, and who doesn't need more cooking practice?

2. Participate in a 5K. I ran my first 5K on July 4th last year in Provo with my mom. I hope to do one again, but I actually want to train for it this time. Hey, Mom--want to join me again?

3. Read 24 books in 2010. An average of two a month, though I hope to read more than that before I get to grad school so that I am not overwhelmed with textbook reading, too.

4. Get accepted to graduate school. I am applying to School Counseling programs at schools in Pennsylvania and Washington D.C. I don't have total control over this, but I am doing all that I can to attain this goal.

5. Attend the LDS temple at least once a month.

6. Recapture my goal weight for Weight Watchers. I currently need to lose 8 pounds to do this.

7. Go skiing in Utah. We may be moving in August, and I still have never been skiing at all, let alone in Utah. This is my last chance!

8. Visit a church history site. I would like to go to Nauvoo, ideally, but I can be flexible.

9. Get an "A" in my Abnormal Psychology class (I am currently enrolled for the Winter semester at BYU).

10. Be Scott's biggest cheerleader. Not literally biggest...remember #6?

11. Go camping in Moab, UT and Arches National Park. We have a tent, and we have only used it once--in the front yard. It's time to put it to use.

12. Do 100% of my Visiting Teaching.

I feel good about these goals. They are all realistic and attainable, though they will require some planning and hard work. I did really well with resolutions last year, so I am confident that I can do well again. Bring it on, 2010!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

I'm Losing It

This is a photo of me packing up our apartment in February. I feel this way RIGHT NOW. I think I started going crazy then and it never stopped. Making the quick decision to move and doing it two weeks later (one of those weeks spent out of the state), may have driven me nutz-o. Who knows? I may never recover.

I lack the motivation to do almost anything. Finish unpacking? No motivation. Pack lunches for the next day at work (because it will be an awful day if I have nothing to eat)? Nope. Exercise and take care of my health even though I work for Weight Watchers? Zero motivation. The list goes on. In fact, I think there are still dishes in the sink, and I don't like dirty dishes in my sink.

I think Scott needs to take me to see the Hannah Montana movie. Will that motivate me to get something done around this place? Probably not. But at least we like Hannah Montana.

Oh...we had a snow storm yesterday, too. Not helping.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Mango Deliciousness

I love this Mango salsa. It can be purchased at Costco for about $5. That may seem like a lot of money for salsa, especially since I have proven that I can eat this entire thing in a few myself. I try not to, though, and I believe it is worth every penny. Oh, yum.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Tracky and The Fray

I love the indoor track on campus. We first met in October of 2003, and though we didn't spend much time together at first, we've become much better acquainted over the past few years (especially since 2006---yes, I knew "tracky" back before he had some work done). Tonight, we spent well over an hour together, just listening to The Fray and logging the miles. We had a good time. We missed our old friend Lindsay who used to join us on dates such as these, but life goes on, and so do my private dates with the track.