Thursday, April 16, 2009

I'm Losing It

This is a photo of me packing up our apartment in February. I feel this way RIGHT NOW. I think I started going crazy then and it never stopped. Making the quick decision to move and doing it two weeks later (one of those weeks spent out of the state), may have driven me nutz-o. Who knows? I may never recover.

I lack the motivation to do almost anything. Finish unpacking? No motivation. Pack lunches for the next day at work (because it will be an awful day if I have nothing to eat)? Nope. Exercise and take care of my health even though I work for Weight Watchers? Zero motivation. The list goes on. In fact, I think there are still dishes in the sink, and I don't like dirty dishes in my sink.

I think Scott needs to take me to see the Hannah Montana movie. Will that motivate me to get something done around this place? Probably not. But at least we like Hannah Montana.

Oh...we had a snow storm yesterday, too. Not helping.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Mango Deliciousness

I love this Mango salsa. It can be purchased at Costco for about $5. That may seem like a lot of money for salsa, especially since I have proven that I can eat this entire thing in a few myself. I try not to, though, and I believe it is worth every penny. Oh, yum.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Tracky and The Fray

I love the indoor track on campus. We first met in October of 2003, and though we didn't spend much time together at first, we've become much better acquainted over the past few years (especially since 2006---yes, I knew "tracky" back before he had some work done). Tonight, we spent well over an hour together, just listening to The Fray and logging the miles. We had a good time. We missed our old friend Lindsay who used to join us on dates such as these, but life goes on, and so do my private dates with the track.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

My Current Product Pick

Vera Bradley anything, but mostly handbags.
I have always liked these, but my love for them has grown in the past two months. I spotted a store full of them not too long ago in the Cincinatti, OH airport, and I wanted to stay and look at all of them. Unfortunately for me, I had a plane to catch. Although they are quite pricey, they can be found on eBay and other online sites at a discounted price.

Check out for patterns and styles (that means you, Scott).

I Was Anticipating Good Results

I am a lifetime member of Weight Watchers, and I work as a receptionist at the center one night a week. As a lifetime member, I can enjoy the benefit of attending meetings for free as long as I weigh in once a month at my goal weight (or no more than two pounds above it).

I kept putting off my weigh-in for March, hoping to lose a pound or two so that I could weigh in as a free member. I worked hard the last two weeks---tracking what I ate, exercising consistently, and cutting back on sweets (without depriving myself entirely). When I weighed in after my weeks of hard work and dedication, I was anticipating good results. Instead I got the opposite--major weight gain. I was, and still am, frustrated at this. I told my mother, a WW leader in PA, about my problem and she responded with, "Well, what would you say to someone at the scale who had the same problem as you?"

Of course I would say to "keep with it and it will eventually show up," but easier said than done. I know that I should stick with it, but because of my frustration on Tuesday, I have become somewhat apathetic towards my weight-loss goals. I still care---somewhere in the back of my mind, but this week has been a disaster. I can tell that I don't feel well. I can tell the difference in my body when I am doing what is right, and right now, I'm not doing it. Sometimes I wonder what it is going to take to get me to lose this last little bit once and for all.

This is a challenge in my life. It always has been, and I anticipate that it will always be something for which I will have to work hard. It is a work in progress. At least, I hope there is progress.

A Space For My Thoughts

I've created this blog as a space for my thoughts. I often want to write about a certain subject or random thought, but those kinds of things don't really seem to fit on the family blog. I actually feel like I will blog more on here than on the other (I hope I don't end up eating those words), as I hope that this can be truly about All Things Jessica.